In the world of fitness water has always been a powerful healer. There is nothing that lives in this world that can survive without it. Read about water in scriptures to learn there’s no explanation on how water came to be, it’s always just there! The human body is about 70% water which means humans are mostly made from water. We need water to survive but what are the healing properties of water and how can it be used to enhance workouts?
Working out in a salt water pool offers many benefits:
- Your body works harder while resisting the flow water makes
- Joints and muscles naturally benefit from the great exercise of swimming in salt water
- When recovering from an injury you’ll will find salt water as resistance a much better option
- A natural relaxation process in a salt water pool takes place which helps promote a relaxed body and leaves you feeling refreshed
- A great form of low impact aerobic conditioning that is easier on the back and spine than traditional forms of exercise
- Stress relief to all joints in the body through the natural support of water
At the Pembroke Fitness Centre we think you deserve to relax after your workout. Why not try out our saunas located in our change rooms? Not only do saunas increase the heartbeat and improve circulation, they also help with weight loss, flush the toxins from your body and help to relieve stress. Nothing is more reinvigorating than a deep, healthy sweat every day.

Pembroke Fitness Centre offers instructor led Aqua Fit programs for all ages. This low impact form of exercise utilizes salt water as a workout medium.

Pool Rates
Family pool memberships include 2 adults and 3 children. Additional, children living in the home can be added for $10 per month per child.
I am interested in joining the aquafit class that starts April 13th at 1pm.
Please could you let me know the cost and for how many weeks it will run? I am not currently a member, I’m not sure if that matters?
Also- I am 6 months pregnant.
hello, i would like to know if there is a discount for seniors, as well as veterans. thank you
Hi there is there a sauna and a steam room?
Yes, we have a sauna in both change rooms. The use of our sauna is included in a full facility package that includes use of our weight room, cardio equipment, indoor salt water pool, hot tub and fitness classes. Our drop in rate is $9.30 or you could enjoy our 5 month package for $175. If you join with a friend you receive 10 % off.
Thank you,