2025 is all about you! Attention all fitness enthusiasts! If you’re looking to get in shape and save big, you won’t want to miss out on our New Fitness Deal! For a limited time only, you can get a 4 month full facility membership to Pembroke’s most complete fitness centre for the unbeatable price of […]

Discounted Summer Fitness Rates Available this Fall
When it's fall in the Ottawa Valley mother nature makes changes to her body so she is prepared for the upcoming season.
Six ways to a new you in 4 months or less:
- Increase cardio exercise
- Sleep well for maximum body rejuvenation
- Insure a your fiber intake is good
- Enjoy your meals by eating slowly
- Track your calorie intake
- Breakfast every day with protein
See details below to start creating a new you!
Summer 2022 Fitness Special [Expired]
99 Days for $109.99 A sizzling summer fitness deal You’re on this page because it’s summer and your body feels the change in the air. It’s telling you “I’ve been enjoying life so much that I’ve let my healthy body gain unwanted weight”. You and your body are one so here’s the answer… FITNESS SPECIAL: […]
99 Days For $99 Fitness Special [Expired]
Held over Until Sept 7, 2020 We’ve made it so easy for you to take that first step or improve your current fitness program. Invest in your health over the next three months for less than a buck a day. Find out what your body has been missing through our tailor-made fitness programs for all […]